Our Denomination
The greatest expression of love for Jesus Christ is to follow him wherever he wants us to go. That is how we discover hope. We lay down our priorities of the day, see through the distractions of this world and follow. Jesus taught that lesson in John 21: 15-19. He asked his loyal disciples, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” When Simon Peter assured Jesus the answer was “yes,” Jesus instructed, “Follow me.”
The United Methodist Church seeks to follow by making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. – Exerpt from “Together We Can” from United Methodist Communications
Our Values
St. Augustine summed it up this way, “In essentials, Unity; in nonessentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Hope Church will work towards unity, freedom and love.
United Methodist Core Values:
1. The Bible is God’s Word and Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God.
2. Jesus Christ is our Lord and only Savior.
3. God loves all people and desires to rescue them from sin.
4. Salvation is a gift of God by grace through faith (belief, trust) in Jesus Christ who alone can forgive sin and transform our lives.
5. Loving God and loving one another is our purpose.
Visit UMC.org to learn more about the United Methodist Church.
Our Church
HOPE Community Church is a new faith community of the United Methodist Church. It is a missional church of the United Methodist Church of the Atonement in Claymont, Delaware.
The Church of Atonement
Is a thriving 150 year old faith community that has formed deep roots in the Claymont community and impacted greatly here in Claymont and beyond! They serve as the "Mother" church to ours, sharing Assistant Pastor Amy with the HOPE campus.
Our Pastor
Pastor Amy L Peters
God’s promises to take care of our children, our grandchildren, and great grandchildren down through the generations are repeated in God’s Word frequently. Over the years, I have written in the margins of these types of Bible verses the names of my children, added their significant others when the time came, and now I am adding my grandsons as I come upon these texts. As I am walking with the Lord Jesus and standing on the authority of God’s Word, I am always believing that God’s Word will not fail to protect and to guard that which is dearest to my heart. We have had our ups and downs like any family, but my faith, hope, and love keeps me strong in my relentless pursuit to love and cherish the generations after me, especially in my bloodline.
There are also other young people in my life that God has put under our umbrella of blessings. These are the 12 or so elementary school children at the Knollwood Community Center as well as another 8 or so Middle & High School students that I meet with weekly for Bible study. HOPE Community Church may not have a traditional Sunday School or youth group, yet God has opened our eyes to His children in Knollwood who are responding to His grace and love! I ask you to keep these ministries in your prayers and for God to move in the hearts of His people as I continue to recruit volunteers to help on Mondays after school (4-5pm) and Thursdays (6-7pm) with the preteens/teens. Join with me in my relentless efforts to “preach…the sermons (the message of the Good News) in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ.” (Dwight Moody). God is pouring out His Spirit on the young people of Knollwood! YOU will be blessed to join with me in God’s work! May God continue to Connect the Claymont Community and Beyond to Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son!
Joy in the Journey with Jesus….Pastor Amy